Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Custom Packaging an Effective Toy Marketing Tool

Kids and teenagers from all over the country wait for that special time of the year when their birthdays are around the corner. As a joyful occasion, these youngsters all have presents and gifts on their minds to unwrap and play with. Millions of toys and electronics are manufactured with packaging boxes in bright and bold colors to attract these youngsters. As soon as a precious toy is given to the child, the box is ripped open and discarded immediately. Now to the child these boxes are useless, but for the parent or gift-giver it is vital in making a purchasing decision.

Informative Packaging
During any gift-giving season, packaging of these toys always contains important information that is necessary in purchasing the gift. Toy Packaging boxes contains information about what age group is appropriate along with instructions and toy accessories enclosed in the box. As a safety precaution, toys should be contained in a box which can be easily opened. Generally plastic wrapped boxes are unsafe since cutters and knifes are needed to open the box. Using safe cardboard packaging boxes for toys is an alternative for safe gift giving.

Safety Packaging Materials
Packaging of toys such as dolls and stuffed animals should contain warning messages on the box for customers to feel safe when giving a present to a child. Not all toys are safe for all ages. With your custom packaging box, use the safest materials with We use the most durable cardboard and cardstock materials to ensure that no child is put in harm’s way. Our online digital printing services offer full color high impact packaging printing for an executed design. Choose from laminated, glossy or matte finish boxes with your tailor made designs. Any consumer will be more attracted to an eye-catching design mentioning exciting information about your purchase.

Boost Sales with Boxes
Factory toy businesses can benefit from custom toy packaging. Boost your promotional sale with a custom product box which describes the item in hand. Providing as much information on your box with bright and vibrant colors is always the best choice to implement.

Once you’ve decided which product you want to design a packaging box for, getting a trained graphic designer’s opinion and critique can fit your design concept and even your budget. Using contrasting colors can enhance a design making it easy for consumers to visibly read the text and font style. At, we have dozens of pre-made sample packaging boxes templates to choose from. Our ideas are carefully tailored and personalized to fit your brand’s image and identity.

Don’t skip out on high quality printing and material, offers sharp and crisp color printing which will get kids excited about their next gift.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Use Cardboard Packaging Boxes for Multiple Purposes

Cardboard packaging boxes exist as the most used method in transporting products or storage of products in a neat and organized manner. A packaging box is mainly used for household items for storing a large amount of products; these can be kept safely in your car garage or storage until for safe and easy access. Since packaging boxes consist of a durable cardboard material, writing on them with a permanent marker can assure easy access in a large storage unit.

As a packaging material for retail and commercial use, cardboard packaging boxes are considered durable and long lasting if kept in a clean environment. The distinguishable aspect of using these custom packaging boxes is that they available in a variety of sizes from small boxes to large containers perfect for electronic equipment. These boxes can be stacked on each other without damaging the inside items.

When selecting boxes, the exact measurements should be considered if you are choosing to use them for your company. Many option for larger sizes since they can be reused to move or store products neatly. The dimensions of your box should be considered with calculating its length, width and height to ensure proper usage of the box depending on the size of your items. If your product is delicate, use bubble wraps in the box for safety storage. Identify the proper size of your items, if your retail outlet carries only fashionable clothing then you can choose medium size boxes since these can be neatly stacked without a lot of hassle for relocating the boxes to another place.

As a shipment box, you can use these for couriered services to safely and securely ship your products from one location to the next. Any items sent for shipping should be packaged neatly for safely reaching its required destination. The materials created with cardboard avoid damages and destruction of items within the boxes. Sealing your products is important to ensure items remain together.

The common type of box is a double fold flap that is equal in size on both ends. These are easy to tape down for sealing and moving. The correct packaging for your items will keep your products safe and secure for longer period of time. These reusable boxes can be an easy way to utilize space in your storage unit not just for your business for offices and personal use. Containers with durable features can be reused multiple occasions for the right purpose.

Online printing services offer free shipping services for a quick and easy delivery access to a bulk order. Order from a warehouse in bulk while you are searching for a high quality printing company. A reliable company will provide affordable prices so that you can begin moving your products immediately.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Give Recognition To Your Products With Custom Packaging Boxes

Let’s say you have to move your house, apartment or office. You will most probably call up a professional company offering such services. They come along with carton boxes or custom printed boxes, fill up your stuff and get you moving. As simple as that, without any hassles you have successfully executed a seemingly impossible errand.

But kindly note the real HERO in the whole episode is the easily overlooked PACKAGING BOX, which was utilized for successful execution of this huge task! Well, maybe not a hero exactly but it certainly lent a strong support.

Big carton boxes are used mostly for moving, transferring and shipping of goods. They are strongly built with enough cushioning to protect the items from damage during commuting.  More so, your clients would be pleased about receiving their merchandise in perfect condition with the packaging intact.  A good packaging box is a guarantee the customer will consider placing repeat order with you.

No matter you are producing small items or big ones, customizing the packaging boxes is extremely essential for safety, protection and branding.  Custom make them as per the specifications, configuration and type of the item you intend to pack in it.  Industrial items like heavy machines, electronic commodities and furniture need strong corrugated boxes for maximum security and easy handling. Here the packaging covers are minimally designed with only essential information printed on the outside.

Retail packaging is more suitable for smaller items of daily usage. They can be customized in an array of designs and colors that are both appealing and winning option for the customers. Logo, product description and the color scheme are the basic characteristics that can make or mar a packaging box.

A perfectly designed packaging box greatly enhances your company’s reputation and product recognition. Similar items are available in the market but it’s the particular packaging besides quality that differentiates your product from the rest. Secondly, it renders your product a favorite choice with the targeted customers. For instance, you have same tea leaves growing in the fields, but each brand name has its own customer following due to the image the respective companies have been able to build in the customers’ minds.

Custom packaging boxes delivers more than just safety and protection. It ensures products survival in the market populated with multiple brand names.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Good Products Always Come in Packaging Boxes

Good products always come in great custom packaging boxes and it is the packaging which basically helps the business to sell its products in bulk quantity to its target customers. In packaging, businesses try to engage the customers in such a way that they become inspired to buy the products. Packaging ultimately either attracts or repels the customers from buying. Hence businesses must employ the best practices available to make its products safe and secure and present its products in professional way to appeal to the target audience effectively.

How to Extract the Benefits of Customization?
Custom packaging boxes is the ultimate solution to the needs and requirements of every type of the business to wrap and distribute its products over a long distance to its customers safely. It is easy on the part of the clients to define its requirements which suit to its products packaging. In this way, businesses effectively control its packaging cost and get rid from oversized or undersized available boxes stuff. Thus defined sizes helps to successfully pack the products in boxes. Sometimes, clients demand its packaging boxes material (Paper, plastic, wood, cardboard, corrugated etc.) to be too hard to protect its fragile products. This need can be easily satisfied by the well-recognized printing companies which offer the facility of custom to its valuable customers. In customization, clients have the authority to submit its packaging boxes size, material composition and message printed on it.

To fully exploit the advantages of packaging boxes, companies must print it with high quality graphics, positioning and displaying its logo and company names in addition to other descriptions. This free outdoor medium of communication will communicate the business message outstandingly to its target customers.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Cardboard Packaging Boxes Suit to Your Business

Cardboard packaging boxes are utilized for the purpose of shipping the company’s products inbound or outbound across the country to be destined safely. The safety, leakage, spoilage, security etc. are the main function of the packaging boxes to be utilized effectively. In the same way, packaging boxes are also prepared with great care to hold the products tightly to an extent that sometime the products remain packaged for a long time to come on the account of the non-availability of the customers or any reconciliation occur between buyers and sellers. This need is of course fulfilled by the use of hard cardboard boxes to act as the warehouse of the products to remain in good conditions for time to come. Cardboard boxes can easily be shipped and offload and keep the products secure from any harmful damage.

Advertising Through Cardboard Boxes

Besides safety, cardboard packaging boxes also serve as free advertising for the business. Hence business takes great care in designing and printing its packaging boxes. Company name, logo, brief products descriptions are written in bold format to remain visible before the people to know about the manufacturers. Therefore, a free sort of business promotion message is delivered from one destination to other.

Customized cardboard packaging boxes realize the needs and wants of every business in professional way. In today’s customization, it is easy to accommodate the business requirements. Business or individual customers can adjust the size, shapes, hardness of the cardboard boxes etc to meet their own packaging needs. Many well established printing companies now offer online facility to meet the needs of your every type of packaging boxes. The use of online facility saves time, money and efforts and enables the clients to get its packaging boxes order at its door steps.