Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Custom Packaging an Effective Toy Marketing Tool

Kids and teenagers from all over the country wait for that special time of the year when their birthdays are around the corner. As a joyful occasion, these youngsters all have presents and gifts on their minds to unwrap and play with. Millions of toys and electronics are manufactured with packaging boxes in bright and bold colors to attract these youngsters. As soon as a precious toy is given to the child, the box is ripped open and discarded immediately. Now to the child these boxes are useless, but for the parent or gift-giver it is vital in making a purchasing decision.

Informative Packaging
During any gift-giving season, packaging of these toys always contains important information that is necessary in purchasing the gift. Toy Packaging boxes contains information about what age group is appropriate along with instructions and toy accessories enclosed in the box. As a safety precaution, toys should be contained in a box which can be easily opened. Generally plastic wrapped boxes are unsafe since cutters and knifes are needed to open the box. Using safe cardboard packaging boxes for toys is an alternative for safe gift giving.

Safety Packaging Materials
Packaging of toys such as dolls and stuffed animals should contain warning messages on the box for customers to feel safe when giving a present to a child. Not all toys are safe for all ages. With your custom packaging box, use the safest materials with We use the most durable cardboard and cardstock materials to ensure that no child is put in harm’s way. Our online digital printing services offer full color high impact packaging printing for an executed design. Choose from laminated, glossy or matte finish boxes with your tailor made designs. Any consumer will be more attracted to an eye-catching design mentioning exciting information about your purchase.

Boost Sales with Boxes
Factory toy businesses can benefit from custom toy packaging. Boost your promotional sale with a custom product box which describes the item in hand. Providing as much information on your box with bright and vibrant colors is always the best choice to implement.

Once you’ve decided which product you want to design a packaging box for, getting a trained graphic designer’s opinion and critique can fit your design concept and even your budget. Using contrasting colors can enhance a design making it easy for consumers to visibly read the text and font style. At, we have dozens of pre-made sample packaging boxes templates to choose from. Our ideas are carefully tailored and personalized to fit your brand’s image and identity.

Don’t skip out on high quality printing and material, offers sharp and crisp color printing which will get kids excited about their next gift.


  1. Packaging is the most important thing in any gift giving season not only for the parents but also for brands and marketing department. For marketing persons packaging box is the best way to attract more consumer and make more return or investment. A well designed and self appealing packaging can do more than a simple packaging box.

  2. Thanks for giving the detail information on Presentation Boxes. hope you wiil be also provides more information in future.

  3. Good information about custom packaging. Packaging box is helping more to carry the items.

    Packaging Specialties
